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My new markets: The Transportation Underwriters at Worldwide Facilities ( work in business auto and address top of the line conceded and non-conceded transporters. New pursuits or those with long periods of involvement – chances enormous and little – are qualified. Target classes include: business auto; public uniform; shipping, and the sky is the limit from there.
Accessible cutoff points: As required
Transporter: Unable to unveil, conceded and non-conceded accessible
States: All states
Contact: Chris Garrison at [email protected]
Avalanche, Mudslide, Mudflow in one DIC strategy including Earthquake
Market Detail: WNC Insurance Services’ ( program gives genuine inclusion to both avalanche and landslide risks under one approach. Inclusion highlights include: quake, avalanche and flood inclusion for homes and residences; essential, auxiliary, occasional, empty and remodel properties; independent tremor/avalanche possibly hazards whenever required; inclusion A cutoff points from $75,000 to $2 million; low deductibles from 5%; installment choices incorporate charge card, ACH and escrow; cutthroat commission and statement cost.
Accessible cutoff points: As required
Transporter: Tokio Marine Kiln (completely possessed parent organization of WNC
States: Ariz., Calif., Nev., and Ore.
Contact: Scott Phillips at 949-352-4627 or email: [email protected]
Auto and Trucking Dealership Insurance and Risk Management
Market Detail: Dealer Risk Services ( offers inclusion for the horde of difficulties car vendors face. From ensuring costly stock to managing the general population, the danger profile can be broad. Seller Risk Services has over 30 years of involvement with program the executives, item advancement, hazard the board and instruction in this industry. DRS will consider numerous dangers, wheter it’s a solitary point position or the making of a hostage for a various point vendor bunch.
Accessible cutoff points: As required
Transporter: Unable to uncover
States: All states
Contact: Steven Gibson at 321-733-6253 or email: [email protected]
Midlands Residential and Commercial Roofing Contractors
Market Detail: Midlands Management Corp’s. ( protection program straightforwardly addresses the necessities of material workers for hire – business and private. Inclusion highlights include: non-conceded in all states; $1 million for every event/$2 million total; three stories or less; no hot tar or light down; least deductible: $1,000; business and private workers for hire – exemption California, no private; wellbeing and hazard the board administrations gave; workers for hire contamination risk; genius obligation.
Accessible cutoff points: As required
Transporter: Unable to uncover, conceded
States: All states with the exception of Colo. also, N.Y.
Contact: Mandee Wilson at 800-800-4007 or email: [email protected]
Inland Marine – Combination
Market Detail: Shield Commercial Insurance Services ( offers huge inclusion for little instruments. Improved blend inland marine inclusion with limits up to $75,000. Highlighting a single tick cover inclusion that incorporates: little instruments; hardware and place of work property; establishment floater; worker devices and apparel; project worker inland marine inclusion to fit a full scope of business needs, with limits from $5,000 to $75,000, and charges from $225 to $750. Low, one-rate deductible of $1,000, with no coinsurance. Specific program organization with Nationwide. No assertion of qualities fundamental.
Accessible cutoff points: Minimum $5,000, greatest $75,000
Transporter: Nationwide
States: All states aside from Alaska, Colo., Dela., D.C., Ill., Maine, Mass., Mont., N.H., N.J., N.M., N.Y., R.I., Vt., and Wash.
Contact: Robert Anderson at 760-345-9029 or email: [email protected]
Pawn Shop Insurance
Market Detail: All Risks Ltd., ( offers inclusion for pawn shops, which face various monetary dangers, including the deficiency of item market esteem, powerlessness to exchange things, burglary, and property harm. Inclusion features include: cross country inclusion aside from Hawaii; many key inclusion expansions accessible at no extra expenses; least superior: bundle – $1,250. Accessible inclusions include: general responsibility, property, items finished activities, worker benefits obligation, employed and non-claimed auto.
Accessible cutoff points: Minimum $1,250
Transporter: Unique/Stonegate Insurance Company
States: All states aside from Hawaii
Contact: All Risks, Ltd. at 877-428-8004 or email: [email protected]